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Ready for any change

Support for Leader enhancement

Training that prepares you to best deal with changes, whether Personal or Professional. Since the 2020 pandemic, organizations, companies and professionals have experienced the beginning of a new scenario characterized by the possibility of continuous sudden changes.
In this regard, the need to train entrepreneurs and managers as quickly as possible to be able to better deal with the CHANGES, which will certainly come.


4 Days, 3 Nigths, 12 Participants

From 10 to 13 April 2024, the Training, in an experiential format, includes classroom and outdoor activities.
Individual and group activities to identify potential and limits for improving one's life and leadership.

The Trainers

Fabio Speri_Coach

Fabio Speri

  • LinkedIn

Leadership & Performance Coach

Davide Zaccariello trasp.png

Davide Zaccariello

Leadership & Executive Communication Specialist


Image by Andreas Wagner
  • LinkedIn


Con i migliori esperti in Italia di tecniche di Sopravvivenza e Militari


Given the limited number of participants (max 12), we ask interested parties to block their participation by completing the Pre-Registration form.
The training does not require particular physical preparations, however a declaration of good health will be required. Regarding clothing, equipment and payment methods, all information will be communicated upon registration confirmation. For any other request do not hesitate to contact us. Welcome.

Number of places still available: 9


Pre-registration form

Le presenti informazioni verranno usate esclusivamente ad uso interno per fornire al cliente tutte le informazioni in merito all'attività in oggetto.
Autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali ai sensi del Decreto Legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali”.

Senza il consenso non sarà possibile procedere col rilascio della specifica richiesta.

Richiesta inviata! Grazie.

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